Tuesday, 30 April 2013

My Absence...

I would firstly like to make an apology for a lack of content over these past few weeks. The Easter holiday was an extremely busy period for me: going home; visiting my girlfriend's family in both Luxembourg and Belgium; and the all-important university deadlines.

Nevertheless, I do come bearing some good news. All being well, I have my flights to Dar es Salaam organised; travelling via Doha, Qatar. I have also made arrangements for remaining in Tanzania for a further two weeks post-placement. This additional time will be at my own cost, however I think that it would be foolish to miss out on such an opportunity to expand my understanding of the country.

At the moment, I am in the middle of my university exams; therefore content may continue to be slow til they are over. However, in the build-up to my placement I do have further items planned, I am especially interested in taking a further look at the Swahili language. Hopefully, the first of these posts will be ready to publish soon.